Jewish community Chabad Lubavitch Moldova



ROSH HASHANAH 5781 IN CHABAD LUBAVITCH MOLDOVA, CHISINAU Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is the opening to a season of holidays for the Jewish nation. Chabad of Moldova organized and held this important holiday, with all the important laws and traditions. More than 50 Jews gathered at the Chabad synagogue. Of course, everything was […]

Passover 2020 will the the first Passover in 30 years with no communal Passover Seder’s

Dear Friend, We hope that is all is well by you and your loved ones, and that you are healthy and safe. Moldova is almost completely under lockdown. As Pessach approaches, Chabad of Moldova has been investing extrenuous efforts to ensure that all the Jews of Moldova will be able to celebrate Pessach this year […]

Despite the Coronavirus Joyous Purim Celebrated in Moldova

Chabad of Moldova brought the joy of Purim to the Jews of Kishinev and the Transnistria, as they do every year. Despite the Coronavirus panic, celebrations continued in Moldova. The four mitzvot of Purim were expansively fulfilled. In Kishinev, colorful packages of “Mishloach Manos” were distributed all over the city, and there was reading of […]

Rabbi Shlomo Raskin Inspires Kishinev Jewish Community

On February 6 (Yud Shvat 5780), Chabad Worldwide marked seventy years of the leadership of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. In honor of the momentous occation, Chabad of Kishinev and Moldova brought Rabbi Shloma Raskin from Tzfat, Israel, principal of Beit Chana School in Tzfat, to address the community. He inspired the crowd with his warm words […]

Hundreds of Moldovan Jews gathered for a Lag B’Omer program

Hundreds of Moldovan Jews from the cities of Kishinev, Bednery, Beltsy and Tiraspol gathered for the Lag B’Omer parade and a concert in honor of the Rashbi (Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai), headed by the Chief Rabbi of Moldova, Rabbi Yosef Abelsky. The procession came out with colorful signs, singing and dancing, and marched toward the […]

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