Jewish community Chabad Lubavitch Moldova

The chief rabbi and director of Chabad Lubavitch Moldova, Rav Zushe Abelsky, came to our community for the holidays with his whole family.

Each day, he came to the synagogue to spend time with members of the community. He participated in many working meetings, as it was important to assess the work that had been done this year and plan for 5783. Rav Zushe and Chaya also visited Bender during their trip. 

Rabbi Zushe and his family were very happy with the renovated synagogue. He noted that with the new synagogue, “I felt something special this Simchat Torah.”

In the middle of a series of holidays, the Abelsky family also celebrated the 10th birthday of their youngest daughter, Nechama, in the Sukkah. There were many children from the community, a large kosher cake and sweets. Nechama liked our community so much that she is already planning her future visit for Pesach!


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