Jewish community Chabad Lubavitch Moldova
Chabad Brings Chanukah Warmth to Freezing Moldova


When a group of student shluchim arrived in Moldova to help with Chanukah activities, they began their important work on the airplane.

Whether it was putting on tefillin, handing out menorahs, or inviting tourists and local residents to upcoming Chanukah events, there was a lot to do.

As Chanukah approached, more Chanukah kits were distributed throughout the capital, Kishinev, bringing light and joy to everyone.

The local kashrus department, supervised by head shliach Rabbi Zalman Abelsky, baked kosher doughnuts for Chanukah. These were distributed at the various public Chanukah events and given out at home visits to members of the community and to the housebound.

Chanukah at the Great Synagogue

One of the main events this year was a Chanukah party held each night of the festival at Kishinev’s Great Synagogue. There, Rabbi Abelsky explained the significance and meaning of Chanukah. Dozens of members of the community, businesspeople, and leaders of Jewish organizations took part. Participants received Chanukah kits containing a menorah and explanatory leaflets, as well as doughnuts.

And the housebound, too!

Home visits were paid to dozens of elderly housebound women throughout Kishinev and the surrounding area. The women received menorahs and candles, food baskets, and doughnuts. The visits were organized by head shlicha Rebbitzen Abelsky, and the Chanukah gifts were sponsored by Ezrat Achim LeYahadut Moldova, run by Rabbi Zushe Abelsky.

Other Chanukah activities were organized by for the members of the local old age club, and visits were paid to the homes of various local residents. Schoolchildren were not forgotten either – they received Chanukah gelt with a special festive message.


Home visits were paid to dozens of elderly housebound women throughout Kishinev and the surrounding area. The women received menorahs and candles, food baskets, and doughnuts. The visits were organized by head shlicha Rebbitzen Abelsky, and the Chanukah gifts were sponsored by Ezrat Achim LeYahadut Moldova, run by Rabbi Zushe Abelsky.





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