Jewish community Chabad Lubavitch Moldova

Slice of Life

Moldovan Prime Minister visits the Western Wall

Moldovan Prime Minister visits the Western Wall Moldovan Prime Minister, Pavel Filip. Have visited on Sunday the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The visit was part of Filip’s trip to Israel, and he was accompanied by a convoy of security guards, Moldovan and Israeli intelligence officials, and a delegation of government officials and other public figures. […]

New Student Shluchim to Moldova

New Student Shluchim to Moldova Chabad of Moldova has welcomed a new group of Bochurim Shluchim, who will spread Judaism while studying for Semicha Rabbinical ordination. Chabad of Moldova has just welcomed a second group of Talmidim HaShluchim to Kishinev. The names of the new Bochurim are: Menachem Gotsel, Shmuel Zalmanov, Mendy Erentroy, Ariel Balon […]

Yartzeit of Harav Avrohom Schneerson

Yartzeit of Harav Avrohom Schneerson Yesterday, Beis Cheshvan, was the Yartzeit of Harav Avrohom Schneerson, who is the grandfather of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, on his Yartzeit members of the Jewish community of Kishinev along with the Shliach, Rabbi Mendy Axelrod, went to his kever (Grave) in Kishinev

Remembering Naum Vainberg

Remembering Naum Vainberg Chabad Lubavitch Moldova has the honor to invite Mrs. Vainberg and Family and all the friends and everybody, who remembers and loves Naum Vainberg to Farbrengen, dedicated to his memory, which will take place in our Synagogue on the 21 of October 2017 ( the 1 of Heshvan 5778), Sabbath, at 12:00 […]

Moldovan Independence Day

Marking the Moldovan Independence Day Marking the Moldovan Independence Day, Rabbi Zushe Abelsky met the president of Moldova, Mr. Igor Dadon. Rabbi Abelsky blessed the president with much continued success with his work, especially with all the recent developments in Moldova. The president took great interest in the Jewish community of Moldova.

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