Еврейская община Хабад Любавич Молдова

About Chabad Moldova

Chabad Moldova stands as a beacon of Jewish life, centered in the heart of Kishinev (Chișinău) and extending its impact throughout the country.

For many, the name Moldova might not evoke immediate images—it often blends into the patchwork of nations labeled as the “former Soviet Union.” However, in recent years, Moldova has gained prominence due to its strategic role in the region, particularly following the Ukraine-Russia conflict. For others, the name Chișinău carries darker associations, recalling the tragic pogroms that devastated the Jewish community in the early 20th century.

Today, those grim scenes have been replaced with joy and vitality as Jewish life flourishes once again. After decades of war, destruction, and oppression, the Jewish community of Chișinău is experiencing a powerful revival. Jewish life is thriving in Chișinău and surrounding cities, with ongoing growth and development. This renaissance can be traced back to Rabbi Zalman Abelsky, of blessed memory, who together with his wife, answered the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s call to come to Moldova and its capital, Chișinău. Leaving behind an extensive family and countless educational endeavors in Israel, they arrived with a mission: to rebuild the Jewish community that had been decimated by the Holocaust and the communist regime.

Originally from Russia, the Abelskys spent 40 years in Israel before relocating to Chișinău. Despite their age and strong family ties, they embraced their mission, determined to awaken the dormant Jewish spirit in Moldova. Rabbi Abelsky was appointed Chief Rabbi of Moldova and worked tirelessly to ensure the physical and spiritual well-being of the country’s Jews. His legacy lives on through his son, Rabbi Zushe Abelsky, who now leads Chabad Moldova, alongside Rabbi Mendel Axelrod, who serves as the Chief Rabbi of Moldova.

Although many young Jews from Moldova have chosen to emigrate to Israel and Western countries, the community still consists of fewer than 10,000 Jews who are spiritually eager to reconnect with their heritage. Today, five dedicated Chabad emissary families serve Jewish communities across Moldova:

  • Rabbi Zushe and Chaya Abelsky – Head Shliach and Director of Chabad Moldova
  • Rabbi Mendel and Chaya Mushka Axelrod – Chabad Kishinev, Chief Rabbi of Moldova
  • Rabbi Mendel and Leah Gotsel – Chabad Bender, Tiraspol and surrounding cities.
  • Rabbi Shmuel and Chaya Zalmanov – Chabad Chișinău, Education, Chabad House at the Airport
  • Rabbi Shneor Zalman and Chana Tifenbrun – Chabad Moldova

Our Activities

Chabad Moldova’s key initiatives include:

  1. Kosher Food and Meals: We provide kosher food, daily prayer services, and run a soup kitchen offering hot meals and groceries to those in need.
  2. Educational Programs: Our programs include Jewish studies, Hebrew language classes, and cultural activities for children and adults, along with trips and events that connect people to their Jewish heritage.
  3. Holiday Celebrations: We organize vibrant celebrations for Jewish holidays such as Passover, Purim, and Chanukah, featuring communal meals, religious services, and cultural activities.
  4. Community Support: We offer assistance with kosher food, accommodations, and spiritual guidance, as well as support for life cycle events like weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, and funerals.
  5. Outreach and Social Services: Our outreach efforts engage Jews across Moldova, including visits to remote communities, providing social services, and offering assistance to those in need.
  6. Support for Ukrainian Refugees: In response to the Ukraine-Russia conflict, we’ve been on the frontlines, rescuing Jews trapped in Ukraine and providing them with shelter and relief in Moldova.
  7. Youth Programs: We run summer camps, youth groups, and educational workshops to foster a strong Jewish identity among young people.
  8. Cultural Events: Our cultural events, including concerts, banquets, and lectures, celebrate Jewish culture and heritage, open to the entire community.

Chabad Moldova continues to play a crucial role in revitalizing Jewish life, ensuring that the community remains vibrant, connected, and resilient.

Rabbi & Mrs Zalman Abelsky



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